Qualifying Checklist
This simple 10 point check-list will help you determine whether all bases have been covered, so you have the maximum likelihood of closing the deal:
- Have all NEEDS been agreed with the customer
(What are they? How did you agree them?)
- Do you have an effective SOLUTION?
(What is it?)
- Is your solution financially JUSTIFIABLE?
(How do you know?)
- Is the expenditure in the BUDGET? Is FINANCE available?
(How do you know? How much is it?)
- What is their BASIS OF DECISION?
(What are their evaluation criteria?)
(Who are the players? How do you know what roles they are playing?)
- Do you have ACCESS to their decision makers?
- Why US – all things equal, would they rather do business with us or someone else?
- What is the TIMING? When will they make their decision?
- Where do we stand in relation to our COMPETITORS?

Give each point a rating out of 10, then Total them.
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