Features are facts that can be proven. Needs are a solution that a customer is seeking. Benefits are when a Feature meets a Need.

1 Links to Features….

“One of the products…”
“a Nice thing about…”
“A unique feature of…”
“An important component…”
“The advantage…”
“A service we provide…”
“Our product is especially designed…”
“You’ll be pleased to know…”

2 Links to Benefits…

“As a result…”
“A great benefit to you…”
“This will enhance…”
“Therefore, this will eliminate…”
“Which means to you…”
“This will save…”
“What this gives you…”

3 Link it back to Needs…

“Another element…”
“You also mentioned…”
“Another aspect…”
“You also indicated…”
“In addition…”
“Another factor mentioned…”
“Coming back to…”
“Another point discussed…”