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Kids Photos and Kids Videos
Kids photo and video software will keep the party memories. Why not use the technology widely available today to capture the moment for years to come?
Photo and Video Techniques
Dec 30th
A kids party is a memorable occasion. Why not use the technology widely available today to capture the moment for years to come? All you need is a computer and a video or digital camera! Advances in technology mean that what was once only achievable through professional photographers can now be done by mums and dads at minimal cost…

Recording Video
Dec 30th
The most common mistake made by novice videographers is that they behave as if they are making a feature film. Home movies are to collect memories and help sustain them. To so this, they need to be able to hold the attention of the people watching them. As a rule of thumb, shots longer that 45 – 60 seconds are probably too long. A home movie that compiles, in a logical order (any editing software can be easily used to order the shots you have taken), a series of brief clips is the most effective, the most fun to watch More >

Taking Photos
Dec 30th
Here are a few photo tips that will make photos from your kid’s party stand out from the crowd. Kids grow up so quickly, so make the effort to get good photos, and you will cherish them for a lifetime.
Move in CloserEach time you spot a subject, snap a shot and then move in closer for a better shot. Having your subject almost fill the frame helps your viewer understand and appreciate your photo. Also, details are often more interesting than an overall view. Keep moving in closer until you are sure the photo will successfully represent your subject. More >