… helping you get a bit smarter
Kids Party Food
Kids party food is always important.
These recipes are great because the kids can get involved in making them as well…

Party Food Fun
Dec 30th
Children of all ages and gender benefit from spending time in the kitchen. With the easy to follow children’s recipes listed here, kids will be introduced to basic math skills, reading and comprehension. Using a recipe will also develop their ability to follow directions, one of the most important skills a child needs for a successful school experience.
Peanut Butter Balls (No cooking required)Ingredients: 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/2 cup honey, 1 cup crushed corn flakes cereal, 2 tablespoons powdered milk. Method: Set corn flakes aside. Mix all other ingredients well. Roll into balls. Then roll again in Cornflakes until covered. Refrigerate More >